Holiday cheer to bring a smile to your face

I've been reflecting on what to include in this post, heading towards the end of a year that has stretched us beyond what we could have imagined. I've been feeling such low and quiet energy for what seems like a few months now. What kind of email would I want to receive amidst a barrage of emails every day?

What I realized is this: I would love to bring a smile to your face! And an infusion of joy and lightness to your nervous system. Even if just for a few moments.

So...I'm excited to share some holiday cheer from my mom, who lives in Colorado. 


This is Lily showing me her outfit for the tap dance group she belongs to. They're called the "Tip Top Tappers."

Before COVID, they performed at senior centers and nursing homes during the holidays. She told me once an elderly gentleman gave the group a $20 tip. So cute.

Now, doesn't this photo warm your heart a little? Tell me you can't help but smile...

I really wanted to share a video I had taken of her showing me the routine, but she wouldn't allow it.

"It's not meant for other people to see!" she insisted.

I'm glad I thought to ask if she had a more polished performance I could share. She sent me this…

I hope you're feeling some joy and delight – and inspiration to perform in a dance group when you're in your 80s!

As challenging and heart-breaking this year has been, there is much to be thankful for – and even celebrate. 

Take good care of your body and spirit!


Shake things up to usher in beauty amongst the brokenness


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