Retreats and T Groups
for CEOs and Executive Teams
You are leading in unprecedented times of
uncertainty and upheaval, diversity and difference.
The boundaries between home and work, the personal and political, are blurred.
You are being asked to take a stand on issues that have been outside the realm of organizational leadership.
What’s needed to effectively deal with complex interpersonal and group dynamics on your team and in your organization?
Knowledge alone is not enough.
T Group retreat for CEOs and Executive Teams
What is T Group? Why is it different – and impactful?
T Group (stands for “training group”) is a small group interpersonal learning lab format for 8-10 people.
Participants have the rare opportunity to practice self-awareness, self-regulation, and interpersonal skills, by interacting directly with each other and debriefing learnings real-time.
I provide coaching and guidance through hard conversations, and point out hidden dynamics and fight-flight “threat responses” that are often unconscious, yet impact our reactions and behavior. All the time.
T Group was developed in the 1950s by social psychologist, Kurt Lewin, to help teams work through unconscious power dynamics and discrimination. The T Group format is the cornerstone for the most popular leadership courses at UC Berkeley and Stanford University business schools.
“I give credit to Erica for helping me remove the cloud of judgement I used to have with people on first impression. I have come to develop a great amount of respect for others and an appreciation of each person’s journey from which I can learn a lot.”
“Erica Peng’s T Group training is truly life-changing. I marveled that if I had received this kind of leadership development when I was in business school back in the 1980s, my own path to conscious leadership would have been so much more accelerated.”
Contact Erica to explore T Group retreats for your team:
Some context about me
I have unique life experiences that enable me to support a diversity of people from different walks of life, to bridge divides within themselves and with others.
I grew up in a New England town as a Chinese girl who identified as White and Jewish. I lived and worked in Asia and Latin America for many years. I speak Mandarin and Spanish.
I bring nuanced skill and awareness to help leaders navigate interpersonal, team, and organizational challenges in a context of uncertainty, and complex social identity and intersectionality dynamics.
As a result of my own personal leadership journey, I deeply empathize with the challenges and risks involved with expressing one’s authentic voice and reality while navigating stereotypes, unconscious bias, power dynamics, and risk of judgment from making a misstep.
I’m passionate about helping leaders anchor in self-worth, a necessary foundation for expressing your unique and transformative leadership. Learn more about my story.