Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
- Adapted from Viktor Frankl
Self-regulation and self-awareness are the foundation to interpersonal connection
“I take a deep breath, and connect with myself and it feels like freezing time to reflect about the situation and self-regulate (usually to de-stress, or to be grateful about a positive event). Right now, thinking of the benefits of this practice, I am noticing that I feel calm, relieved, and proud.”
“I believe my relationships are stronger are a result. For example, conflicts that might have otherwise become a bit more challenging are being resolved more easily, as I both practice pausing (and being more patient about the pace of conversations) and Notice and Name.”
“I’ve also noticed that due to my increased awareness of myself (through the breathing exercises) I am able to more easily relate and connect with others. We talk about the anxiety, frustration, and sense of cabin fever that we’re all experiencing right now. Without taking the time to Notice and Name those things within myself, I wouldn’t have been able to make that connection as easily.”
“I have been practicing with Notice and Name, and it has been a real gamechanger. Previously, I used to feel shut down in conversations with my sister as I interpreted her tone in conversations as hostile, but “Notice and Name” has forced me to pause to think about whether I am really judging her intent by her tone, and through that process has taught me to dissociate tone from intention. It’s helped us to get along a lot better while we are in COVID-19 lockdown together, and we are actually enjoying each others’ company.”
Expressing emotions and listening with empathy
builds authentic, honest, connections
“I feel more comfortable with honest conversations. I am able to voice what bothers me, and this allows us to work through issues in a clear, transparent, open way.”
“I’ve acted differently since class ended based on my learnings and have noticed materially different outcomes in my interpersonal relationships. I’ve been better at responding to the emotions behind the actions or words. I’ve paid closer attention to group dynamics and those that may be left out of a conversation. I’ve paid closer attention to others’ subtle ways of reaching out for connection. The more time that passes the more appreciative I am of this course.”
“One of the first places I practiced listening with empathy outside of class was with a couple of Uber drivers. I did that intentionally to see how much I could get people to open up. I remember being quite surprised with how deep the conversation could actually get... and how I felt personally connected with that individual, when before I set that intention, I didn’t necessarily want to talk to the Uber driver at all.”
“In a world that everyday puts machines and algorithms more at the center of the universe, we are losing our capacity to connect with each other. Tomorrow’s leaders will be the few with the emotional intelligence and communication skills to connect with emotions. The course gave me the knowledge, the tools and the vocabulary, to listen, understand and talk with emotions. It gave me the capacity to connect with people on a different level, that I would have not imagined before. Most important, I’ve learned something fundamental not only for the work environment but for my everyday life as well.”