Live courageously. Learn by doing. Lead by connecting.


Hi, I’m Erica.

I empower a new paradigm of leaders with essential skills…to build - and repair! - meaningful connection across differences, and awaken possibility for individual and collective potential in an uncertain world.


“Before we started I thought it would be difficult to change and improve. The combination of articles, practices, and coaching is awesome.

Now I see so many opportunities to take the extra step with important relationships in life and at work.

- Fred, Hardware Engineer, Alphabet Company


Free Practice Guide!

A simple and powerful practice that’s helped hundreds of leaders be more present, connected, and effective - amidst times of stress and overwhelm.


At UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, I’ve taught my course

Interpersonal Skills and Embodied Leadership,” to

over 450 MBA students.

In four years, it has become one of the highest in-demand of all MBA courses.

Much of education and leadership development are based on learning cognitive knowledge and discussing topics.

In contrast, my course provides a clear roadmap for a journey of experiential learning, discovery, and empowerment. Learning by doing.

I focus on supporting people with essential skills to PRACTICE connecting, amidst inevitable challenges that come up, like emotional reactivity, judgments, social identity and other differences.

My teaching and coaching are based on a groundbreaking methodology I developed, called Designed For Connection.

“I give credit to Erica’s class for helping me remove the cloud of judgment I used to have about people on first impression. I have come to develop a great amount of respect for others and appreciation for each person’s journey which I can learn a lot from.”

- Chinmay Malaviya, Entrepreneur, Haas MBA alum

“Erica's course offered us both the toolkit and container to practice empathetic listening skills and authentic leadership. This is particularly important during this chaotic time when we need to build the emotional capacity to sustain ourselves inside when everything else is falling apart.”

- Daisy Huang, Haas MBA student

“The class was the most transformative educational experience I have ever had. I experienced inspiration, human connection, and “whole-ness” for the first time. I now have a need and desire to find ways to integrate this into my every day life.”

- Mikhael Abebe, Real Estate and Economic Development professional, Haas MBA alum

Freedom. Connection. Possibility.

Tessa, maybe have three buttons: Blog, Work with Me, and Systems Leadership, that would be the video of me and Sadhguru?