What is your leadership story you will be
inspired to tell 1, 2, 5 years from now?

Coaching for Leaders and Teams

You are leading in unprecedented times of uncertainty and upheaval, and diversity and difference.

The boundaries between home and work, the personal and political, are blurred.

You are being asked to take a stand on issues that have been outside the realm of organizational leadership.

What’s needed to effectively deal with complex interpersonal and group dynamics on your team and in your organization?

Knowledge alone is not enough.

Before we started I thought it would be difficult to change and improve. The combination of articles, exercises, and coaching is awesome. Now I see so many opportunities to take the extra step with important relationships in life and at work. I’m learning how to be curious and empathetic. I’m able to express appreciation for others’ viewpoints. It takes focus but I see the difference it makes. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. There’s no limit. This is life-changing.
— Manager, Hardware Engineering, Alphabet Company

I equip leaders and teams with core skills and awareness to move through and recover from internal and external stressors like uncertainty and upheaval, misunderstandings and differences. Develop capacity and confidence for navigating challenging issues and dynamics that don’t have clear “solutions.”

Find out more about my approach here.

Erica’s somatic coaching provides a framework and structure for understanding what happens to our bodies during conflict or difficult interpersonal dynamics. Once I recognized my own fight-flight reactions, then I could choose curiosity instead of simply reacting to triggers.
— Alice Wang, Vice President, Everactive
I learned a ton from Erica, particularly about the importance of acknowledging differences AND similarities, about seeing particularities of social identity AND the whole person. Those lessons stuck with me and resonate deeply today.
— Ed Batista, Executive Coach, Faculty at Stanford University Graduate School of Business

As we partner, I affirm your strengths–and help you transform your internal barriers (often unconscious) that when addressed, can unleash possibility.

I empower you with a solid foundation of concrete skills, awareness, and body-based somatic practices, to transform how you connect with yourself and others as you move through inevitable challenges and reactivity.

I support you to stretch into possibility of your unique expression of embodied leadership.

  • Unconscious Reactivity to Conscious Choice

  • Blame/Shame to Empathy

  • Isolation to Connectedness

  • Alienation to Agency

  • Overwhelm to Possibility


Contact me when…

You’re ready to build on the rich experience you have, and expand your skills and capacities to meet the realities of an uncertain environment.

You recognize that knowledge alone is not enough. You’re looking for someone to guide you to develop both the internal and external dimensions of leadership.

You desire sustained change. You see the limitations of being reactive and fighting fires from one crisis after another.

Some context about Me

I have unique life experience that enables me to support a diversity of people from different walks of life, to bridge divides within themselves and with others.

I grew up in a New England town as a Chinese girl who identified as White and Jewish. I lived and worked in Asia and Latin America for many years. I speak Mandarin and Spanish.

I bring nuanced skill and awareness to help leaders navigate interpersonal, team, and organizational challenges in a context of complex social identity and intersectionality dynamics.

As a result of my own personal leadership journey, I deeply empathize with the challenges and risks involved with expressing one’s authentic voice and reality while navigating stereotypes, unconscious bias, power dynamics, and fear of judgment.

I’m passionate about helping people anchor in self-worth, a necessary foundation for expressing your unique and transformative leadership, interrupting and transforming disconnection and discrimination, healing divides from misunderstanding and difference, and connecting in our shared humanity. Learn more about my story.