Designed For Connection

Because trust and connection in relationships and teams are the
foundation for accomplishing shared goals – and creating possibility together.

Knowledge alone is not enough.

No one learned how to drive a car only by reading and talking about it.
Navigating emotions and messy people dynamics requires practice too.

What is different – and impactful – about Designed For Connection?

I guide you in a spirit of discovery and fun!
And practice. Lots of practice.

Because practice creates new neural pathways in the brain, the foundation for new habits.

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that
space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

- Author unknown

  • Lead from grounded presence amidst uncertainty and crisis

  • Be recognized as a leader who builds trust and connection across difference and perceived divides

  • Help teams work through conflict and power dynamics, diversity and other dimensions of difference

Designed For Connection Methodology is a step-by-step roadmap for breaking free from unconscious reactivity and building relationships and teams that can recover from inevitable conflict and crisis.

Copyright ©2020 Erica Peng

  • Knowledge: Learn about unconscious factors that help and hinder capacity and connection.

  • Self-awareness: Become conscious of blindspots that undermine your best efforts and intentions in life relationships.

  • Practice: Develop concrete skills and behaviors through proven frameworks and body-based somatic practices.

  • Feedback: Learn whether you are having the impact you desire.

  • Self-Reflection: Deepen your capacity to build trust and connection through structured reflection practices.

Designed For Connection
structure and guidance for transformation

A culture of hyper-individualism in the U.S. reinforces isolation, loneliness, imposter syndrome, shame, self-doubt, and other damaging patterns of behavior. Designed For Connection equips you with skills and practices that build connection with yourself and others, and work through differences from a shared humanity.
















Transform how you connect with yourself and others

+ Lead from grounded presence and self-worth

  • Anchor in self-worth and be more comfortable in your own skin
  • Increase awareness of your emotional and physiological reactions
  • Regulate unconscious reactivity and assumptions that can lead to misunderstandings, and conflict
  • Interrupt and transform limiting beliefs, behaviors, and thought patterns including an inner critic, shame, self-doubt
  • Own your reactions and judgments with curiosity and inquiry, and transform tendencies to blame yourself or others

+ Be recognized as a leader who builds trust and validates others

  • Be more comfortable expressing emotions in ways that build meaningful connection
  • Listen deeply, witness, and validate others’experience, even when different than yours
  • Own your impact on others with curiosity, less blame and defensiveness
  • Give and receive feedback to strengthen the relationship
  • De-escalate heated exchanges and repair connection after breakdowns
  • End connection with intention and care

+ Help teams work through uncertainty and upheaval, conflict and power dynamics, diversity and other dimensions of difference

  • Awaken joy, hope, and possibility in others from experiencing a sense of belonging as part of a shared humanity and ecosystem
  • Express your leadership in ways that affirm others’ worthiness and wholeness
  • Ignite a path forward with clear, actionable steps to boldly interrupt stereotypes and discrimination from systemic oppression that perpetuate disconnection and polarization
  • Model conscious choices with a long view that preserve and protect all forms of human and non-human life